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OCL history day

OCL Local History Day

Posted on Thursday, April 04, 2024 10:09 AM

Experience collections, exhibits and featured stories at events in Ingersoll and Tillsonburg

Oxford County Library (OCL) is proud to host the fourth annual Oxford Local History Day this year on Saturday, April 20, 2024.  

Oxford Local History Day is a chance to recognize and discover the stories and moments that paved the way for Oxford County as we know it. OCL branches in Ingersoll and Tillsonburg will mark the occasion with engaging presentations from local historians and activities for all ages....

Public Notice: Oxford Road 16 Reconstruction in Zorra Township

Posted on Wednesday, April 03, 2024 03:00 PM

Phase 2 – Kintore to 27th Line (Zorra Township) About the project

Oxford County has awarded a contract to Oxford Civil Group Inc. to reconstruct and widen the road and right-of-way on Oxford Road 16 between Oxford Road 119 and 27th Line in Zorra Township. Additionally, the box culvert located between 23rd Line and 25th Line will be removed and replaced. The reconstruction work includes removal and replacement of existing road makeup, ditch re-alignment and improvements to local storm drainage.

Have your say survey image

Rural Community Engagement Survey

Posted on Wednesday, March 20, 2024 11:52 AM

Oxford County Library is looking for feedback from its rural communities to help shape the future of local libraries.

The Rural Community Engagement Survey is open now until May 1, 2024, for public input on library branch hours, the physical set-up of library spaces, collections, technology offerings, programs and activities, and more.

The survey, which can be accessed through Speak Up, Oxford!, takes only 5-10 minutes to complete. For taking part, rural residents will have an opportunity to win one...

Public Notice: Pemberton Street and Charles Street West in Ingersoll

Posted on Thursday, March 14, 2024 03:23 PM

Replacement of watermain on Pemberton Street and sanitary sewer on Charles Street West in Ingersoll About the project

Oxford County has awarded a contract to Viewcon Construction Ltd. to replace the existing watermain under the Canadian Pacific (CP) railway and Canadian National (CN) railway on Pemberton Street between Charles Street East to Carnegie Street in Ingersoll. Additionally, sanitary sewer will be replaced on Charles Street West at Merritt Street. The work includes replacement of the...

Womens non-fiction prize longlist 2024

Explore the inaugural Women's Prize for Nonfiction Longlist

Posted on Tuesday, February 27, 2024 10:58 AM

Explore the inaugural Women's Prize for Nonfiction Longlist 2024! You can place all of the titles on hold with your Oxford County Library card.

The Women’s Prize for Non-Fiction is a major new annual book prize that celebrates exceptional narrative non-fiction by women. The Prize promotes excellence in writing, robust research, original narrative voices and accessibility, showcasing women’s expertise across a range of fields.

Learn more at