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Flags lowered to half mast: Hon. David C. Onley

Posted on Monday, January 16, 2023 03:23 PM

Flags at Oxford County facilities have been lowered to half-mast to mark the passing of former Lieutenant Governor of Ontario Honourable David C. Onley, who passed away on January 14, 2023.

New flashing lights installed at intersection OR 59/33

Posted on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 03:15 PM

Oxford County has now installed flashing red lights on the stop signs on Oxford Rd 33, at the intersection of Oxford Road 59.

Oxford County carried out an intersection control feasibility review at the intersection of Oxford Road 59 and 33 in 2021 and also carried out an all-way stop warrant analysis in December 2022 based on collision occurrences. This analysis recommended intersection improvements, including a speed reduction to 60km/hr; an all-way stop; and installation of flashing red lights...

Notice of Public Consultation Centre: Oxford County Proposed Backflow Prevention By-law

Posted on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 02:00 PM

Oxford County is seeking feedback on a proposed Backflow Prevention Program (BPP). The BPP will further protect the municipal drinking water from potential contamination (backflow event) by private side businesses and properties that are connected to the water distribution system. Backflow events can significantly impact residents, businesses, water quality and pose a health risk to consumers. Implementing a BPP will further strengthen the multi-barrier approach the County uses to protect its...

Happy New Year

New Year, Same Great Library!

Posted on Wednesday, January 04, 2023 02:10 PM

Happy New Year! Did you make a New Years resolution? Or have you been meaning to check out more of the wonderful resources available to you with your Oxford County Library? Here's a list of eight resources to help get your 2023 off to the right start:

1. Checkout the latest bestselling eBooks on Axis360. If you've been meaning to read more but you're tired of the wait times on Libby, check out Axis360, our no holds, luck day eBook collection. On Axis360, you can check out two titles at a time for...

Significant Weather Event - Snow plows pulled off County roads (Dec 23)

Posted on Friday, December 23, 2022 05:49 PM

December 24, 2022 - 10: 30 a.m.  - Update Oxford County snow plows have been clearing County (rural) roads throughout the morning. Roads remain icy: please avoid travel if possible. Visibility is near zero on some County roads and there is heavy snow drifting in the Drumbo area. If you must travel, go slow, make sure all your lights are on, and pack a winter vehicle emergency kit.  If you are driving behind a snow plow, stay back, be patient, and don’t try to pass. Plowing creates a...