Oxford County supports Pride Month
Posted on Wednesday, May 31, 2023 01:26 PM
Oxford County Warden Marcus Ryan will raise the flag for Pride Month on Thursday, June 1 at 8:30 a.m. at the Oxford County Administration Building at 21 Reeve Street in Woodstock. Members of the community are invited to join.
Oxford County Council officially declared June as Pride Month at the May 24 Council meeting.
Oxford County supports Pride Month and is committed to building inclusive, diverse, and safe spaces for all.
Warden’s Challenge: On April 28, Warden Marcus Ryan challenged elected...
Oxford County Paramedic Services retiree banner ceremony
Posted on Wednesday, May 31, 2023 12:08 PM
The 2023 Oxford County Paramedic Services Banner Ceremony occurred on May 23 at Station 3, Tillsonburg. The annual ceremony honours retiring Oxford County paramedics with a banner imprinted with their name, station location, and service dates.
The ceremony happens every year during Paramedic Services Week. This year’s theme is “Diversity in Paramedicine – The Patient. The Provider. The Profession.”
Acting Chief Ryan Hall presented eight banners at the ceremony this year. After the ceremony, the...
Update on intersection improvements at Oxford Road 59 and Oxford Road 33
Posted on Monday, May 29, 2023 06:42 PM
Intersection improvements at Oxford Roads 59 and 33 will be activated in June 2023.
The new all-way stop and overhead flashing red lights to be put in place at the intersection will be activated once power connections to the new infrastructure are complete.
In addition to these measures, the County will be implementing the following features:
- rumble strips on all four approaches
- a reduction to 60 km/hr speed limit beginning 500 metres from the intersection on all four approaches
- electronic speed...
National Public Works Week: May 21-27
Posted on Tuesday, May 23, 2023 10:39 AM
Not all heroes wear capes; some wear hard hats Oxford County acknowledges hardworking Public Works professionals during National Public Works Week: May 21-27
Every day, public works staff play an essential role in supporting the quality of life for all Oxford County residents. Morning, noon and night, these dedicated professionals are working behind the scenes whenever someone turns on a faucet, flushes a toilet, uses a public facility, recycles a tin can or drives to work. They make our...
Council this Week: Highlights from the May 24 County Council agenda - 20230524
Posted on Friday, May 19, 2023 04:04 PM
Provincial Policy Statement, intersection improvements at OR 29 & Blenheim Road, and more
County Council meetings are broadcast live at To download the full agenda or view past recordings of council meetings, visit
Update on Provincial Policy Statement reviewFurther analysis by Oxford County staff on the new proposed Provincial Planning Statement is before Council on May 24. The report reiterates that while there are some potentially...