road with fields on each side

Status: Completed

Originally posted March 21, 2022 
Last updated: July 8, 2024

DownloadTransportation Master Plan Final Report (June 25, 2024) | Appendices (please check back)
Visit the Speak Up, Oxford! page


2024 TMP Final Report cover

In 2022, Oxford County initiated a 2024 update of the 2019 Transportation Master Plan (TMP). The TMP is a long-term strategic transportation planning document that lays out the County’s vision and goals for its transportation system over the next 20 years. The TMP considers population and employment growth in the County and accommodation of future transportation conditions, while also considering sustainable and multi-modal transportation solutions and specific needs of the County, including people and goods movement along with agricultural mobility.


Key objectives of the 2024 TMP update included:

  • assessment of existing and future transportation network conditions and performance with consideration of travel demands and patterns.
  • identification of transportation system needs and development of policies to address them; and,
  • develop a safe, effective, and financially viable integrated transportation system implementation plan that maximizes the use of existing County infrastructure and promotes regional connectivity.

The final plan lays out Oxford County’s strategic roadmap for multi-modal transportation infrastructure and services through to 2046. Through various studies, research, data collections, and two extensive public consultation phases started in 2022, the draft plan puts forward strategies to address existing and future needs for:

  • the County’s road network;
  • active transportation, for instance cycling and pedestrian routes;
  • goods movement, such as rail freight, trucking, etc.;
  • people movement, e.g., commuting infrastructure; and,
  • transportation system sustainability and new technologies, such as electric or autonomous vehicles.

Although it considers a more than 20-year window for action, the master plan is intended to be revisited and updated on a five-year schedule.


Study Documents

Transportation Master Plan Final Report (June 25, 2024) | Appendices (please check back)

Notice of Study Completion: 2024 Transportation Master Plan (Nov 1, 2023)

Final Draft 2024 Transportation Master Plan - Posted for final comment period (Oct 6, 2023)

Council Report PW 2023-40: 2024 Transportation Master Plan – Extended Consultation

Download the Draft 2024 Transportation Master Plan | Appendix A | Appendices B-G (Sept 7, 2023)

Council Report PW 2023-32: 2024 Transportation Master Plan

Notice of Public Consultation Centre #2 (Feb 9, 2022)

Notice of Public Consultation Centre #1 (Aug 2022) | Re-issued Notice (Sept 2022)

PCC #1 - Presentation slides and recording: Please visit please visit 

Notice of Study Commencement - Oxford County Transportation Master Plan Update (Mar 2022) 

See all documents on Speak Up, Oxford! 


Council Reports and Resolutions

PW 2023-32 - 2024 Transportation Master Plan (Presentation) - The draft 2024 Transportation Master Plan was presented to Oxford County Council on Wednesday, July 12, 2023. 

PW 2022-46 - Transportation Master Plan Update - Oxford County Council received an update on the Transportation Master Plan on Wednesday, November 9, 2022.



Ryan Vink, P.Eng., Project Manager Oxford County
519-539-9800 x 3023 | Email Contact